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Ranieri Ribeiro Paula

Posted by | March 13, 2021


Ranieri Ribeiro Paula

Job Title:

Researcher (UFES, Espirito Santo state, Brazil)


Phone Number:

(+55) 28 99964-0489


Google Scholar Profile


I’m a forest engineer. I finished my doctorate in forest resources in 2015 at the University of São Paulo (USP / ESALQ). During the doctorate, I did a research internship at CIRAD (Montpellier-Fr). I like to research different subjects. However, my main area of activity is forestry and functional ecology of monospecific and multispecific forest plantations. My research involves nutrient cycling, biological nitrogen fixation and the effect of trees on the environment.

Research Areas:

  • Forestry and Ecology

Current N-related Projects:

  • Effects of tree legumes on the environment


Paula, Ranieri R.; Bouillet, J-P; Gonçalves, J LM; Trivelin, PCO.; Balieiro, FC; Nouvellon, Y; Oliveira, JCO; Deus Júnior, JC; Bordron, B; Laclau, J-P. Nitrogen fixation rate of Acacia mangium Wild at mid rotation in Brazil is higher in mixed plantations with Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex Maiden than in monocultures. Annals of Forest Science. , v.75, p.14 – , 2018.

Paula, Ranieri R.; Bouillet, J-P; Trivelin, PCO; Zeller, B; Gonçalves, JLM; Nouvellon, Y; Bouvet, J-M; Plassard, C; Laclau, J-P. Evidence of short-term belowground transfer of nitrogen from Acacia mangium to Eucalyptus grandis trees in a tropical planted forest. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. , v.91, p.99 – 108, 2015.