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Tag: roots

Gina Wilson

Name: Gina Wilson Email:

Christopher Topp

Name: Christopher Topp Job Title: Assistant Member and Principal Investigator Email: Phone Number: 3145871401 Links: Google Scholar Profile Biography: Christopher Topp is an Assistant…

Bekki Abdelkader

Name: Bekki Abdelkader Job Title: Professor, Head of Laboratory LBRAP Email: Phone Number: 00213771662706 Links: Google Scholar Profile Biography: Holding a doctorate in biology…

Influence of Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria in the Establishment of Pre-broken Sugar Cane

Principal investigators: Ph.D. Jadson Moura Msc. Rodrigo Souza Associated with: Faculdade EvangĂ©lica de GoianĂ©sia, Brasil Project Summary: Brazil has been one of the largest producers…

An integrated phenomics approach to identifying the genetic basis for maize root structure and control of plant nutrient relations

Principal investigators: Christopher Topp, Donald Danforth Plant Science Center; Andrew Leakey, University of Illinois; Ivan Baxter, USDA-ARS Associated with: National Science Foundation Project Summary: National…